Because of the generosity of our community to get Nana’s Hope House ready, we received donations of all of the soft home goods needed to welcome residents. There will always be items needed to make our house a home for our students so what we ask is that for now donations of Gift Cards, to the stores mentioned in our Wish List and below, be purchased if you would like to help so that we can shop as necessary for items that we may not have on hand. You can click on each of the logos to find the nearest locations for these stores.
There is no cost to the students that live at Nana’s Hope House. All of their living expenses are taken care of so we will have ongoing grocery, cleaning supply and toiletry lists for the girls as well as school supplies & expenses and clothing. We must also take into consideration the needs of our House Parents who will love and care for the girls while living at Nana’s Hope House with them. Our goal is to make sure they feel nutured and live as stress-free as possible when it comes to their day to day lives so they are able to concentrate on their education and beyond.
Of course monetary donations are ALWAYS welcome. Just click on any Donate button that is located at the top of each page of our website. If you have a specific need in mind that you would like to donate towards there are options to choose from when using Paypal.
We are working on a program to allow donors to Sponsor-A-Student for their entire senior year. This would include all expenses for that student including Senior Year events and graduation. We will have more information about this soon.