Our Future Projects

Having a reliable security system for our house parents and residents will be our first priorty. Not only is it our desire to provide this extra level of security, it has been recommended by local law enforcement including our MB Police Chief. We want everyone that passes through our doors to feel safe and secure when they lay their heads down at night and leave for school the next day. We estimate the cost for our security system will be $1000.

Nana’s Hope House can accommodate 6-7 girls which means a full house will no doubt require a lot of bathroom and mirror time. We would like to add a third bathroom to help ease the stress of getting everyone ready and out of the door on time for school, activities and other important events. We estimate the cost for the third bathroom to be $10,000.

While a safe and secure home is necessary, there is something about the look and feel of curb appeal that adds a sense of pride to any home and will also help teach life skills to our residents. We estimate the landscaping and irrigation system that we would like to add to Nana’s Hope House will cost $7500.

Our goal is to also create a backyard garden and outdoor recreation area for our residents to maintain and enjoy. The responsibility of keeping a garden, flower or otherwise, growing provides a pride of ownership that carries over into many future life experiences. We estimate the cost of an outdoor recreation area and the supplies needed to start a garden will be $3000.

Security System
Building Fund for Third Bathroom
Outdoor Landscaping & Irrigation System
Garden & Outdoor Recreation Area