Our Mission
The mission of Nana’s Hope House is to provide a clean, safe and supportive environment for registered Horry County high school students who are designated homeless/ Unaccompanied Youth and who are classified as graduating seniors during the winter or spring semester of the current year.
“One Mother’s Prayer; One Daughter’s Dream; One Student’s Reality”
Mary C. Canty - Our Inspiration
Mrs. Canty passed away in 2015 but her desire to give back to her communuty continues through her children and the many other lives she touched. Mrs. Canty was a devoted community and business leader that taught, one should Worship, Praise and Serve. Her legacy lives on through Nana’s Hope House, Inc. After renovations were completed in 2019 it was decided that the facility would bear one of Mrs. Canty’s affectionate names, “Nana”.
Mary Cookie Canty Goings
Cookie Goings, the daughter of Mary C. Canty, is a generous community leader who is now retired from her long-time career as an educator in the Horry County School District. As the founder of Nana’s Hope House and through her experiences running a non-profit dedicated to vulnerable students for over 20 years, she prayerfully cultivated the idea to convert her family home into Nana’s Hope House where high school youth in need can live and thrive. “That’s what Nana would have wanted. This project is the culmination of a need we saw and felt decades ago. My family and I are blessed to be able to see this day come to fruition.”
The Canty Family
Thanks to Cookie and her family, Nana’s Hope House will turn the challenge that homeless students face in finding a nurturing environment during high school into a victory. By offering the renovated home of their late mother, Mary C. Canty, as a safe-haven facility for homeless and independent high school students they are giving them the best chance to succeed.